Information, stories and myths relating to trees.
tree stories for the wooden hearted

Tree Talk
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Putting old wood to work
Reclaimed wood used for conservatories combine traditional craftsmanship with the most up to date and efficient techniques to create unique and beautiful conservatories tailored towards your specific needs.
Traditionally, conservatories have been associated with summer, but as we provide double glazed windows fitted with toughened safety glass, and the conservatory is heated, it will be a permanent asset to the house throughout the whole year.
Reclaimed wood conservatory is designed and created especially for you, there are virtually no restrictions on size or shape as they are made to measure and can be designed to fit any space, wall or corner.
See the wood for the trees hope to support Environmental Technology businesses in South West England by assessing their strategic skills development needs to enable growth.
We assist with the costs of most training undertaken by eligible businesses and research training provision. The extensive business support expertise gained by EnviroSkills SW also enables us to signpost businesses to other appropriate business support services.
I have recently been introduced to Goji berries, which have apparently beome all the rage as the latest super food. They are delicious, I think-nice and chewy, with quite a distinct flavour-just the job for scattering on your breakfast cereal.
The very day after I had eaten my first handful of these berries, there was an article all about them in the Daily Telegraph. There I discovered that they are the fruits of a shrub called Lycium barbarum, The Duke of Argyll’s Tea Tree. More

British Trees
Growing anything, especially in the city and suburbs, requires at least a little forethought. If you are creating a landscaping scheme for your home, trees and shrubs should be setcted with scale and proportion, and even pollution, in mind. They should be placed to create shade and to be shaded as needed. One should also keep soil conditions and, in urban and industrial areas, air pollution, in mind. To get complete, accurate information relevant to your situation, contact a local nursery, garden club, or landscape architect.
See the Oak, Beech or Silver Birch
Nothing is more welcoming that a beautiful patch of grass beneath a nice shady tree on a hot summers day. It is ideal for picnics, naps, or just sitting and reading to escape from the heat. Click here to buy grass seed so that you can plant your own lawn around your trees, to give you a beautiful natural carpet.
Keep both aesthetics and ecology in mind. Design diversity into your scheme, for diversity is what helps to stabilize natural systems. It is also important that the species you choose will be abt to thrive, for healthy plants resist pests and weak ones attract them. Native British tree species are much better than exotics since they are more adapted to the ecology and climate and will support a greater proportion of suitabt insect and plant foods for wild birds and other animals. The Oak, Poplar and Hawthorn support the richest fauna.
You can get a lot of information and advice on trees to grow, pruning, saving trees, etc, from the Arboriculture Association
Alder Buckthorn
Norway Spruce
Scots Pine
More common names
Alder - Common {Alnus glutinosa} -
Alder - Grey {Alnus incana}
Alder - Italian {Alnus cordata}
Alder Buckthorn {Rhamnus frangula}
Apple - Crab {Malus sylvestris}
Apple - Cultivated {Malus domestica}
Ash {Fraxinus excelsior}
Aspen {Populus tremula}
Beech - Common {Fagus sylvatica}
Beech - Roble {Northofagus obliqua}
Birch - Downy, Hairy {Betula pubescens}
Birch - Silver {Betula pendula}
Black Locust {Robinia pseudoacacia}
Blackthorn {Prunus Spinosa}
Bog Myrtle, Sweet Gale {Myrica gale}
Box {Buxus sempervirens}
Buckthorn {Rhamnus catharticus}
Buddleia {Buddleja davidii}
Cabbage Tree {Cordyline australis}
Cedar of Lebanon {Cedrus libani}
Cherry - Bird {Prunus padus}
Cherry - Wild, Gean {Prunus avium}
Cherry - Cultivated { Prunus species}
Cypress - Lawson {Chamaecyparis lawsoniana}
Cypress Cultivars {For gardens and parks} E
Cypress - Leylandii {Chamaecyparis leylandii} E
Cypress - Monterey {Cupressus macrocarpa} E
Cypress - Nootka {Chamaecyyparis nootkatensis} E
Damson {Prunus damascena}
Deodar {Cedrus deodara} E
Dogwood {Cornus sanguinea}
Elder {Sambucus nigra} N
Elm - species {Ulmus species}
Elm - English {Ulmus procera} N
Elm - Wych {Ulmus glabra} N
Eucalyptus - {Eucalyptus gunni}
False Acacia, Locust Tree - {Robinia pseudoacacia}
Fig - {Ficus carica}
Foxglove Tree - {Paulownia tomentosa}
Gingko - {Gingko biloba}
Gorse {Ulex europaeus} N E
Guelder Rose {Viburnum opulus}
Handkerchief Tree {Davidia involucrata}
Hawthorn - Common {Crateagus monogyna} N
Hawthorn - Midland {Crateagus oxyacanthoides} N
Hazel - Common {Corylus avellana} N
Holly {Ilex aquifolium} N E
Honey Locust {Gleditsia triacanthos}
Hornbeam {Carpinus betulus} N
Horse Chestnut {Aesculus hippocastanum}
Indian Bean Tree {Catalpa bignonioides}
Judas Tree {Cercis siliquastrum}
Juniper - common {Juniperus communis} N E
Katsura Tree {Cercidiphyllum japonicum}
Laburnum {Laburnum anagyroides}
Larch - European {Larix decidua}
Larch - Hybrid {Larix x eurolepsis}
Larch - Japanese {Larix kaempferi} N
Laurel - Cherry {Prunus laurocerasus} E
Laurel - Portugese {Prunus lusitanica} E
Lilac {Syringa vulgaris}
Lime - Common {Tilia x europaea}
Lime - Large-leaved {Tilia platyphyllos} N
Lime - Small-leaved {Tilia cordata} N
Locust - Black {Robinia pseudoacacia}
Locust - Honey {Gleditsia triacanthos}
Magnolia {Magnolia x soulangeana}
Maple - Field {Acer campestre} N
Maple - Norway {Acer platanoides}
Maple - Other species {Acer species}
Medlar - {Mespilus germanica}
Monkey Puzzle {Araucaria araucana} E
Mulberry - Black {Morus nigra}
Oak - Common, Pedunculate {Quercus robur} N
Oak - Sessile {Quercus petraea} N
Oak - Evergreen, Holm {Quercus ilex} E
Oak - Red {Quercus borealis}
Oak - Turkey {Quercus cerris}
Oak - Lucombe {Quercus x hispanica}
Oleaster - {Elaeagnus augustifolia}
Pear - {Pyrus communis}
Pine - Contorta {Pinus contorta, Dougl. var. Contorta} E
Pine - Corsican {Pinus nigra} E
Poplar -Black {Populus nigra} N
Poplar - Grey {Populus canescens}
Poplar - Lombardy {Populus nigra var.Italica}
Poplar - Western Balsam {Populus trichocarpa}
Poplar - White {Populus alba}
Private {Ligustrum ovalifolium} E
Quince {Cydonia oblonga}
Redwood {Sequoia sempervirens}
Rhododendron {Rhododendron ponticum}
Rowan, Mountain Ash {Sorbus aucuparia}
Spruce - Sitka {Picea sitchensis}
Stag's horn Sumach {Rhus typhina}
Strawberry tree {Arbutus Edo}
Sycamore {Acer pseudoplatanus}
Sweet Chestnut {Castanea sativa}
Sweet Gum {Liquidambar styraciflua}
Tree of Heaven {Ailanthus altissima}
Tree of Life {Thuja occidentalis}
Tulip Tree {Liriodendron tulipifera}
Varnish Tree {Rhus verniciflua}
Walnut {Juglans regia}
Wayfaring Tree {Viburnum lantana}
Wellingtonia {Sequoiadendron giganticum}
Willow Species {Salix species}
Willow - Almond-leaved {Salix triandra}
Willow - Bay {Salix pentandra}
Willow - Crack {Salix fragilis}
Willow - Goat {Salix caprea}
Willow - Grey, Sallow {Salix cinerea}
Willow - Osier {Salix viminalis}
Willow - Weeping {Salix babylonica}
Willow - White {Salix alba}
Yew - common {Taxus baccata}
Ash trees
Ash trees threatened
Forestry Commission England warns of threat posed by the Chalara fraxinea fungus

Enviroment and helping UK Forests
National Tree Week event - Take part in tree planting in East Park, Wolverhampton

Woodland Craft
Woodland Craft
Join the Park Rangers for some woodland management and crafts including coppicing

Community Trees
Community Tree Planting
Join in a planting at Brent River Park of over 400 trees
More from the web on trees
The Woodland Trust
The UK's leading woodland conservation charity. Help us plant trees, protect woods and inspire people to enjoy the nature on their doorstep.
Local UK big trees from The Tree Register
UK big trees, a record of ancient and historical tree information in the Britich Isles from The Tree Register.
Native Tree List UK
Native Tree List UK.
Tree nursery UK - buy trees online
One of the longest established silvicultural tree nurseries in the UK, with over 6 million traceable native trees available to buy online for delivery across the UK.
Recommended reading
Forestry Commission - tree name trail
A key to common trees found in Britain. Trees can be divided into two main groups: those that have flattened and wide leaves (known as broadleaves) and those ...
Promotes care and knowledge of trees in the UK. Details of activities, members, and journal.
Information about English Oak trees, the beginning of the encyclopedia of life starting with the English Oak Tree, The Oaks life history, their conservation and ...
Trees for Life
A Scottish conservation charity dedicated to the regeneration and restoration of the Caledonian Forest in the Highlands of Scotland
Hampton Court Flower Show
I went along to the Hampton Court Flower Show this year and was stunned to discover that a visit there could make the sick well again. Well, maybe not. However, I did see people, who had spent all day being pushed around in a wheelchair, up walking and pushing their own wheelchairs.
The impetus for this was, of course, the great sell off at the close of the show. Father was walking through the show ground cradling his baby in his arms, whilst mother followed with the pushchair laden with plants. Granny, who had benefited from resting in her wheelchair as she moved around the show, found it was an ideal way to get her lilies and agapanthus back to the carpark. Once out of the showground the sights were enough to make a gardener cringe, trees, agapanthus, eremurus and lilies sticking out of the sun roofs of dozens of cars on their way to the M3.
Other had folded up plants as best they could so that they would travel on the bus and underground. Then there is the safe bet that many of the plants acquired will not have been planted for several days, nor watered, nor put out of the sun. When will people learn that a bargain is only a bargain if you can get the plant home alive and in one piece... otherwise it is just so much compost.